Friday, January 9, 2009

Friday, 1/9/09

I’m down 7.4 lbs as of this morning. So, I can officially say that the lb per day that the doctors claim during the first 21 days is definitely working so far. I talked to my doctor yesterday and she said that I shouldn’t count the loading days. So that means that in 4.5 days I’ve lost 7.4 lbs. I had to take the shot again this morning and I’m hoping that it helps my hunger. Yesterday was a little rough. I was really hungry by about 3 p.m. so I did a protein shake. I had broccoli, chicken and watermelon for dinner. The watermelon was the most delicious thing I’d ever eaten in my life…you would have thought I had 4 cheeseburgers in front of me.

The headaches are gone, thank GOD. I think it was the cold turkey stopping of Diet Coke. I’m good now though. My paperwork says I can have 1 diet coke per day, but I’m just going to try and do none. I might treat myself and have one over the weekend. I ended up not eating the hot meal last night because I’m terrified of restaurant food. I just don’t know what they cook their stuff in. Again, maybe I’ll treat myself to something hot over the weekend. I don’t know though.

I’m finding that I’m sleeping much better too. I used to wake up feeling horrible…now I’m waking up on time and not so groggy. I’m also not waking up every hour during the night.

My two cents:

The sleeping situation makes me very very happy. Kim's had a lot of sleep issues recently, not being able to fall asleep, tossing and turning, not waking up easily, etc., so that's music to my ears. I also think that her snoring will all but dissapear once she loses some weight.

And the no diet coke is great, I'm so glad she's off that crap.

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