Monday, February 16, 2009

And....she's back.

Sorry I’m the world’s worst blogger…I just can’t get it together to get a daily entry out. Anyway, thank you for the responses I’ve gotten…they mean a lot and I didn’t want anyone to think I was completely disregarding them.

This past Saturday (2-14-09), I went in for my weekly weigh-in/appt. I was the star patient this week as I lost 6.5 pounds in six days. I turned in a food diary and the only thing they told me was that I couldn’t eat oranges (didn’t know that and I eat them every day!). However, it didn’t seem to make that much of a difference considering I still lost. I wish I could say I did something differently from the other weeks (typically, my average week is 3-4.5 lbs lost), but I haven’t changed anything at all.

My typical day is: breakfast= protein shake / midmorning= egg whites with onions/tomatoes / lunch=hamburger patty w/ Walden Farms dressing / midday= protein shake / dinner- salmon and steamed veggies.

Also, if I’m being honest, I’m not as strict on the weekends as I am during the week. I’ve been known to steal a fry or two from my son’s plate. :) I’m sure I could be losing a lot more and a lot faster…but I’m perfectly happy with the pace and the amount lost (27 lbs since January 5). If I had a time limit, I’d just buckle down and work out daily. I’m sure that would do it. As it stands now, my clothes are all very loose on me and I feel wonderful. I’m happy and my pace is just fine with me.


  1. I am so confused as to what diet you are on!! There are SOOO many things about your diet that are not hcg protocol. I actually even double checked your blog title to see if you really were on Dr. Simeons plan. Obviously it doesn't matter because you are losing great! I am curious though- are you taking injections and all that? I wonder why your particular plan is so different than everyone elses.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm going to a weight loss clinic and following their plan to a "T" (with the exception of the noted deviations). They've never called their diet "Simeons" but rather "VLCD". I'm taking HCG injections. I've read alot of other blogs and my experience does not seem that different. What, specifically, do you see different about mine?

    The title of my blog comes from the fact that I'm taking HCG injections, not from anything that anyone has "officially" called it.

    Thanks for reading!

  4. Well, on Simeons protocol, you can only have a short list of approved foods. Chicken, Beef and some approved fish (no salmon :( ) You're not allowed to mix vegetables at all- Just one veggie per meal and even then you can only have certain veggies such as broccoli isn't allowed for some reason. You actually can have oranges and you absolutely can NOT have protein shakes. Also- eggs are usually not allowed unless you have some aversion to meat. So just based on that one day's meal, that was why I was asking. Looks like you are doing just great though and I am jealous that you get to eat so many extra things and still lose so awesome!

  5. Oh my goodness...I think I'd be a royal you-know-what if I couldn't do the protein shakes. I'm going to ask when I go in Saturday...why this is different from Simeons. It may be because when I first went in, I explained that my job is about 80% traveling and I'm usually staying in unopened hotels without access to ovens or full sized fridges (all mini-bars). It would be absolutely impossible for me to eat solid food 4-6 times a day because I'm literally running all over the hotel all day. Maybe this was the compromise to get me in the system? ALTHOUGH...they DO sell the whey protein at their clinic and everyone uses it so...not really sure what the deal is.

  6. Who cares really? You are doing awesome and that is all that matters! I am glad that Simeons inspired anyone to do anything that gets people healthy! Its great to get so lean and clean!
    What kind of whey protein do you have? We are on p3 tomorrow and think it would be great to incorporate some yummy shakes to help with our weight. I mean- you have had some awesome success! Keep it up hottie!

  7. Really useful blog.Good work keeping this updated! HCG diet Thanks a lot!

  8. Is it possible to use hcg drops and not have a specific diet? I just eat small portions of the food that shouldn't be in consumed. I'm not following any diet at all..

  9. Love it!
    To the point, articulate and very interesting,


  10. Thanks guys, for sharing this conductive accumulation.
    hcg diet
